Olá, amigos visitantes e blogueiros! A partir deste texto você poderá entender como funciona a nossa Política de Parcerias e quais os procedimentos necessários para se tornar um site parceiro.
Uma das estratégias mais eficientes e comuns usadas pelos blogs para se obter um considerável aumento de audiência é por meio de parcerias. Vale sempre lembrar que não existem sites concorrentes, e um cooperativismo entre eles é útil e vantajoso para todos.
Como é impossível ceder espaço a todos que nos pedem, resolvemos organizar as parcerias em apenas 20 links, baseando-se na meritocracia dos números. Quanto mais visitas um site parceiro nos enviar, mais destaque e privilégios ele terá dentro do Nude Girls Europe. Os dados da visitação serão computados pelo Google Analytics.
Como me torno parceiro do Nude Girls Europe?
Para dar início a parceria é necessário que você inclua o banner ou o link no seu blog/site. Para isso deverá atualizar seu blog/site no mínimo uma vez por semana, e garantir no minimo 15 visitas/dia.
Hello, friends, visitors and bloggers! From this text you can understand how our Partnership Policy and the procedures necessary to become a partner site.
One of the most efficient and common strategies used by blogs to get a considerable increase in audience is through partnerships. It is worth remembering that there are competing sites, and a cooperative between them is useful and beneficial for everyone.
As it is impossible to give space to all who ask us, we decided to organize partnerships in just 20 links, based on meritocracy of numbers. The more hits you send us a partner site, the more it will highlight and privileges within the Nude Girls Europe. The data of visitation will be counted by Google Analytics.
How do I become a partner of Europe Nude Girls?
To initiate the partnership you need to add the banner or the link to your blog / site. To do this you must update your blog / site at least once a week, and ensure at least 15 visits / day.
If You Have A Blog Or Website Adult Asian or European Partnership We Also Add Our Banner and Tell In The CBOX.
Hello, friends, visitors and bloggers! From this text you can understand how our Partnership Policy and the procedures necessary to become a partner site.
One of the most efficient and common strategies used by blogs to get a considerable increase in audience is through partnerships. It is worth remembering that there are competing sites, and a cooperative between them is useful and beneficial for everyone.
As it is impossible to give space to all who ask us, we decided to organize partnerships in just 20 links, based on meritocracy of numbers. The more hits you send us a partner site, the more it will highlight and privileges within the Nude Girls Europe. The data of visitation will be counted by Google Analytics.
How do I become a partner of Europe Nude Girls?
To initiate the partnership you need to add the banner or the link to your blog / site. To do this you must update your blog / site at least once a week, and ensure at least 15 visits / day.
If You Have A Blog Or Website Adult Asian or European Partnership We Also Add Our Banner and Tell In The CBOX.
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